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APROTEK offers a range of superabsorbent products specifically designed to your market.


We mainly provide superabsorbent polymers. These products are in the form of powders, water-soluble sachets, granules, and tablets.

stockPermanent stock of superabsorbent products

We must be very reactive as most of our customers are in a hurry!

For that, we have a permanent stock ready to be delivered wherever regardless of the product’s destinations. We deliver in France, in Europe but also around the world, or wherever your projects and your needs are.

Our partnerships with leading producers of superabsorbent polymers allow us to guarantee a constant supply of quality products.

Do you know the superabsorbent products?

Superabsorbent products exist on the market for over 50 years!

Originally developed in the USA for the purposes of agriculture and then quickly for the needs of the hygiene industry such as diapers.

They were able to replace natural products, such as peat moss, because the latter being a non-renewable source, was doomed to disappear. Various biosourcing initiatives in commodities having largely failed because of their poor performance, only polymers such as sodium polyacrylate and polyacrylamide are present on the market nowadays. World production is about 2 million tons today.

How do superabsorbent polymers work?

The polymer is composed of long carbon chain regularly interconnected by bridges called « crosslinkers » channels, thus forming a network. Once the water is in contact with one of these channels, it is drawn into the molecule by osmosis. Water progresses rapidly within the network to be stored therein. Conversely when the medium dries, the polymer then releases its water more or less rapidly.

Several parameters can affect the product: salt, temperature, UV … The life of the product, once hydrated, is a few days to several years depending on the type of polymer composition.

Why are there any variations in absorption according to the liquid level?

The first element is the polymer chemistry itself. Depending on the amount used of the crosslinking, the polymer will absorb more or less liquid. For example, if the polymer is cross-linked, the network is thus narrowed and the stability over time is enhanced but the capacity is decreased. On the other hand, the less there is crosslinking the bigger the network is, so the volume of absorption is increased but stability is reduced.

Are superabsorbent products degradable?

Once destabilized, when they have lost all of their effectiveness, « oligomers » (fractions of polymers) are formed. These elements, under thermal and bacterial action, mineralize at 8% the first year and then 3% per year in the ground, so about 30 years for a total soil mineralization and digestion.

Recent studies on sodium polyacrylate demonstrate the biodegradable faculties of superabsorbent polymers under certain conditions.

To remember

APROTEK will drive you to the best product choice depending on your application and needs.


Superabsorbent products of APROMUDSeries are the best solution for all issues related to environment such as sludge confinement, sludge shovel, purging etc. Thanks to APROMUDSeries any transport or sludge excavation are facilitated and management of damages due to flooding or fire is optimized. Moreover, APROMUDSeries is boosting bentonite clay’s performances in order to reduce volume for transport.

Examples of APROMUDSeries application :

Lagoon clearing, construction site, contaminated clearing sludge, archeological site…


Perfect for the cables market, APROCABLESeries assure the waterproofness of both cables and optic fibers and thus enhance their life expectancy. The APROCABLESeries superabsorbent products support the reduction of debit loss while protecting the cables of any water infiltrations. A true water barrier is made up.

Examples of APROCABLESeries application :

Cables often suffer from some degradations resulting up to some cuts or tears. Therefore, liquid can get inside and damage the cable’s efficiency, especially if the liquid infiltrates in the length of the cable. APROCABLESeries will act as a barrier as soon as the liquid will tempt to enter the cable.


Appropriate to hygiene and health packaging, the range APROPACKSeries make possible the gelation of organic liquids, food juices, the manufacturing of isotherm packaging etc. The superabsorbent products of APROPACKSeries will inert all aqueous waste like human dejections, blood, vomits etc.

Examples of APROPACKSeries application :

The superabsorbent products of the range APROPACKSeries, when hydrated, will enable to maintain coolness within the isotherm packaging. APROPACKSeries is also adapted to food packaging in order to collect and trap all liquids coming from the aliments and to medical packaging to avoid any contamination prior to riddance procedure.


In order to optimize water management, APROSOILSeries offer various advantages. Acting as a water retainer for plants and soils, the superabsorbent products will undertake water absorption and loose cycles in the soil. Only a small amount of APROSOILSeries products mixed with the substrate result in optimal humidity conditions.

Examples of APROSOILSeries application :

Agricultural crop, forestry and arboreal plantation, dust control in horse arena etc. APROSOILSeries is highly recommended for any water saving objective.

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